
Since 1982 the society is known as the South Australian Chrysanthemum & Floral Art Society. However our Society was originally formed in 1915 as the National Chrysanthemum Society of SA.


Upcoming Events

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The Society's aim is to promote knowledge and information pertaining to floriculture (specifically the chrysanthemum) and the promotion of activities dealing with floral art arrangements. This is achieved principally by holding monthly meetings every second Saturday of each month, an Annual Show held on the first weekend in May and open to the public and an annual plant sale in October. For details of dates and times, see the coming events page or visit our facebook page.

New members are always welcome, so if you are curious about what is involved in growing and exhibiting champion blooms or are just interested in growing beautiful flowers in the garden please join us. Indeed new members are essential to the Society especially as growers to produce blooms for the Annual Show or to display floral art.

If you would like more information please email me at president.sacfas@gmail.com

Bernadine Bourne



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